
冬至 (The winter solstice) 2012-12-21 冬至と言えば私は柚子湯なんですが みなさんはどうですか? It's said in Japan that...

冬至 (The winter solstice) 2012-12-21
It's said in Japan that taking Yuzu-yu (the bath in which yuzu fruits are put) 
on the winter solstice day prevent catching cold.

ユズ (柚子、Yuzu)
学名:Citrus junos
ミカン科 Rutaceae ミカン属 Citrus

#HQSPMonochrome +HQSP Monochrome curated by +Blake Harrold  +Rinus Bakker and +Delcour Eric 
#AllThingsMonochrome +All Things Monochrome 
#FruitsFriday +FruitsFriday
#tokyo, #japan, #nature, #photo, #naturephotography
#monochromephotography, #naturemonochromephoto, #NatureInMonochrome
#BlackandWhitephotoJapan, #お散歩シリーズ, #NatureJP

Album: BlackWhite2012_0712(写真 1 枚)
冬至 (The winter solstice) 2012-12-21 冬至と言えば私は柚子湯なんですが みなさんはどうですか? It's said in Japan that... http://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png
from Juria Juice - Google+ Public Posts http://pluss.aiiane.com/atom/113053037231413309799

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