
Travel digest - Hachijo-jima island, Tokyo 4

Travel digest - Hachijo-jima island, Tokyo 4
Day 4 / the 3rd round of #fivedayblackandwhitechallenge 
Thank you +Christoph Leisegang for the invitation !
I love his distinctive photos !!

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八丈島で出会った植物たち - 八丈植物公園編
Some of the plants I met on my trip to Hachijo-jima - at the HACHIJO BOTANICAL GARDEN

八丈島で出会った植物たち - 路上編 1
Some of the plants I met on my trip to Hachijo-jima - On the Street 1

八丈島で出会った植物たち - 路上編 2
Some of the plants I met on my trip to Hachijo-jima - On the Street 2

Grey crowned crane and Reeves's muntjac @the HACHIJO BOTANICAL GARDEN

#realjapan #Travelphotography #Landscapephotography
#Hachjo-jima #Tokyo #Japan #JapanBWPhotography #photo

Travel digest - Hachijo-jima island, Tokyo 4 https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-IGUlLr_v1Pk/VIOLKbwXKiI/AAAAAAAAra0/Vgb9PS_WDqg/w506-h750/20141121-DSC04734_w.jpg
from Juria Juice - Google+ Public Posts http://pluss.aiiane.com/atom/113053037231413309799

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