
や (ya): やわ肌 (yawahada = soft fair skin)

や (ya): やわ肌 (yawahada = soft fair skin)
Subject_27/44 #いろはプロジェクト2014
"Never knowing the feel of soft flesh, with the warms of flowing blood beneath the skin, aren't you a little lonesome, you who preach the way?"(by Akiko Yosano)
(translation from online dictionary)

about #いろはプロジェクト2014 (Japanese)
#Japan #Tokyo #photo #JapanBWPhotography #Flowermonpchrome

や (ya): やわ肌 (yawahada = soft fair skin) https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-lLrCSXtQUE0/UvgDNOGLgQI/AAAAAAAAjUg/JpNTEsYieLE/w506-h750/DSC05209_w.jpg
from Juria Juice - Google+ Public Posts http://pluss.aiiane.com/atom/113053037231413309799

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